Toe strap plate

Standard plastic toe strap plate with extra grip underneath. Dimensions are 48mm x 20mm x 6mm.

Community STL Files
Toe strap plate

Multi wedge

Similar to Clamcleat wedge CL819 but partly curved underneath to work better when mounted on spars. The extra mounting hole means this fits a number of Clamcleats such as CL211MK2 and CL272 (hole centres 27mm apart) plus CL222 and CL204 (hole centres 36mm apart). Dimensions are 60mm x 18mm and just under 10mm maximum depth. 

Community STL Files

Looped sail tie

A connector to secure a loop of cord as it goes round a mast or post and back on to itself. The two ends of the cord are threaded through the two holes and then round into the other two holes and knotted on the back of the sail tie (first image). The loop is passed around a mast, through an eye in the sail and back over the sail tie, making it strong and secure but easy to undo. Alternatively the tie can be passed loosely around a stowed sail on deck, preventing it from being blown around in the wind. The 4mm version is 24mm x 16mm and the 6mm version shown here is 36mm x 24mm.

Single sail tie

The single cord version sail tie. A smaller sail tie where a single cord is knotted at the back, then threaded through the two holes. It needs a bowline knot (or similar) tied into the end of the cord to form a loop that goes back over the end of the sail tie to fasten it. The 4mm tie is 24mm x 12mm.